Voice of SEPTEMBER...

Sometimes, we have to believe the quote :“ workplace such as battlefield..
Since there was some unpleasant things happened around my workplace...
Maybe I'm still a “new baby” in this society...many things have to start from ZERO~
And the most important thing is “ Interpersonal Communication skills

I served in Press Company yet to a year...
And my job is repeating to do the same stuff every day....
Well, it's looks easy and simple...
But there are always argument happened between my colleagues...
Even I'm not the person involved..and
This is the view that I didn't want to happen...

Obviously, every single employee has their “ working style
And I can only be the “ middle man
I can't follow each of them..because the rules is there...
I dislike quarrel !
I just want a harmony workplace....
(**And finally I understood the reason that company is offered “The Seven Habits” course for workers...)

As conclusion,
Communication skills is very important not even to communicate with colleagues
And also friends and family...
Here to sharing with you guys,
Polite makes Peaceful and Harmony =)

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