My dear friend,
finally you has completed your Diploma Officially Diploma holder now~
By the way, this is not the end but a beginning for a new stage of life~

I know, you may felt depressed and bitter periods when facing the hardness...
I can see you were put more efforts to overcome all the problems...
yea, this is what we should pass by in study life...
as MAN said: " no pain, no gain..."
Hope you can find and success your DREAM soon~
I will support you always...

Wish our surprise could make you feel warm and touching~
well, again congrats to you and all the best in future ya!

**New turning points, new footprints and new life~

Happy birthday to YOU...
Eva, 21 岁生日快乐。。。
终于 大个女啦~
可为了你的生日 绞尽脑汁 说定要给你 Surprise 的说
不知道 你会特别喜欢什么
我们只好 偶尔 套套你的话 找线索咯
希望我们的小小心意 你可以欣然接受吧 嘻嘻

很庆幸 能成为你的朋友
更开心的是 在毕业后的我们
不知不觉的 感情变得更好 相处更多 认识更深
真的很感谢 上天的安排
要好好珍惜 上天给的 用我们的一辈子 去经营 我们的友情。。。

很多时候 你会遇到各方面的压力或瓶颈
不管是学业上 还是生活上
记得 这里还有我们 愿意听你发牢骚。。。
只要你愿意 我们就不会拒绝啦~哈哈
**希望为你准备的一切 是有Surprise到的咯~~~

** 我希望 我们的友情 就像相片里的我们
那么贴切 那么开心地笑着

Happy birthday, EVA ♥♥♥

by on 23:28
Happy birthday to YOU ... Eva, 21 岁生日快乐。。。 终于 大个女啦~ 我们的大姐—— 林晓慧 可为了你的生日 绞尽脑汁 说定要给你 Surprise 的说 不知道 你会特别喜欢什么 我们只好 偶尔 套套你的话 ...
Long Time No See.....
all my dear ji mui !!!
Did u know, I miss you girls so much~~~
Since all of us are busy-ing to chase our ideal life...
Our hangout time became lesser and the wrong timing,
We always missed up the time to meet together...
However, I really hope that our friendship can engaged until we are OLD~
Smile we are YOUNG~
Love u all !!! 

Again "三缺一" yamcha kaki...
Seriously to said, when can we capture our "全家福" together...?
Although we're from the same hometown,
but we not even to meet more than 5 times a year... 
We knew each other since primary school and secondary school...
We grown up together and we graduated together...
All these moments we passed by and couldn't describe through few words...
And it always remind me that...
YES! you girls are parts of my life....
I really appreciate that you all are beside me...
Ji Mui love forever ♥


My dear huey,
You're always my loyalty listener, you know...?
We are the girl with the similar background...
So, you always know what I'm thinking...
YOU can read my thought, my mind and my feeling...
I really thankful that my life got a friend like you...
Sorry that our hangout time only twice times a year....
I promise, will spend more time to meet you~
By the way, Im always cherish the moments we're together~
Love u~~~

Hey, dear buddy~
Our friendship grown since secondary school...
Still remember, we became closer when you're short hair...
NOW, your hair are longer than me looo.....
This is one of the obvious scene to prove how long the friendship we are~hahaha
My dear buddy, one of the reasons that I became more independent is because of you...
* I wish to protect you when you're felt helpless
* I wish to protect you when you're get bully from the BAD guys
* I wish to give you a hug when you're upset...
This is only what a friend can do for matter how I will always support YOU~
My best buddy


这一天 带给我好多好多
一大早醒了 外头的天气 凉凉的
要不然 就会埋怨 老天怎不让我睡多一会

今天 心情特好
超女 在社会立足 满一年啦

续上一回 我俩已半年++没一起出来走走了
也许我们的年龄 没代沟 所以比较容易相处吧
在工作上 你都很照顾我
也许你工作经验比较多 办事起来有着阿姐风范
我确实看好你啦~一起加油吧 =)
总说我 太独立 羡慕我
或许 这就是人人看见表面的我
**有时候 过于独立 也不是一件好事 =(

你嘴边总爱嚷着要去这里 要吃那个
我们就慢慢来 一一去实现吧~
原来 你还是那么在意
我虽然 不曾多问 你的爱情史
不过 我知道 你对他依然有所保留
或许 看开与放开 只是一线之差
虔诚的你 应该懂得如何抉择
每一次的聚会 我们总是有聊不完的话题
时间真的不够用 哈啦不多 夜已深了
这次 我身边有多了 你这位司机了~哈哈哈


原来过于 充实 会让人 又累 又兴奋


by on 00:45
11月1日 这一天 带给我好多好多 一大早醒了 外头的天气 凉凉的 庆幸今天 休假 要不然 就会埋怨 老天怎不让我睡多一会 儿 哈哈~~~ 今天 心情特好 除掉不需上班以外 值得高兴的事 超女 在社会立足 满一年啦 哈...
